Google Talk learns new languages

We are pleased to announce the beta release of Google Talk in 13 new languages: UK English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, and Turkish. Check out the language selection in the upper-right portion of the page.

We welcome all the native speakers of these newly supported languages to the Google Talk community. In case you missed it, Gmail Chat is also now available in 17 new languages.

As with any beta, we are eager for your feedback. How did we do on the translations? Do we support your locale input methods as you expect? Any great ideas for how we can offer a more optimized experience for your language or region? Let us know.

Finally, if you want to meet some of the many new Google Talk users around the world, we recommend you check out this site which lets you create and browse profiles of Google Talk users in virtually any country.

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